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Music’s in Amplifying Voices for Social Justice at Many River Festival
Music has long been a powerful medium for social...

Can Private Business play a role in disaster recovery?
Disaster recovery is often seen as the...

Obama or Romney?
The 2012 U.S. presidential election presented...

Should same-sex marriage be allowed by the state?
The question of whether same-sex marriage should...

G-d father 1&2 vs Scarface?
When it comes to the pantheon of crime movies,...

Are Israeli Settlements Good for Israel?
The Israeli settlements in the West Bank and...

Is Atheism a Religion?
Atheism, by definition, is the lack of belief in...

Should gay marriage be legal?
The question of whether gay marriage should be...

Is jose canseco worthy of the hall of fame even after juicing?
Jose Canseco, one of baseball’s most...

Should Jerusalem remain the undivided capitol of Israel?
Jerusalem holds deep religious, historical, and...
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